When people argue for flat earth, are they religious at all? I believe flat earth is just one small puzzle piece and religion is the missing puzzle to give us a complete idea on flat earth.

The question of the shape of the earth is a question about belief, what do people believe in, who do they trust, and its a matter of control. Governments gain control of the populace if they believe in human leaders and a world where humans are insignificant and not the center of the universe, we are just ants to control. But religion takes power away from the world leaders.

Many flat earth believers were globe believers, indoctrinated at school, taught the well rounded science. People who question the government don't trust the government or lost trust in the government. They believe globe earth is a propaganda. The shadow government did 9/11, killed RFK, and lied about the moon landing to get ahead of Russia, and evolution is a lie taught at schools along with globe Earth.

our current model is sun and moon is local to earth, Aether is the firmament separating the waters above us, stars and planets are luminaries and or angels. Space is a lie.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1fhs86u/can_we_narrow_flat_earth_to_a_biblical_flat_earth/”>View Reddit by OneSolutionCruisingView Source


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