Author: FENews

No one will even believe this one folks. We here at FENN feel as though we have actually uncovered the proverbial smoking gun of the faked Moon landing. The one thing that no one would have ever even considered, the one tiny and elusive piece of evidence that proves once and for all dramatically that we have yet to take that “… one small step for man…” that sets us down on the Lunar surface and hands us that victory that will offer “… one giant leap for mankind.” Lots of talk about the camera’s used abounds on the internet,…

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According to JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab), which is NASA’s construction company, the Mars probes all have tiny range convection heaters built right into the motherboards and the chips. In a regular PC most likely similar to the one you are reading this on, a tiny fan is needed to remove excess heat. But on a Mars probe it is necessary to keep the electronic circuits from freezing and cracking. So rather than a fan it requires a way to introduce heat back into the chip rather than take it away. But in the case of the Moon cameras used by…

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NASA is one despicable character in the thick of things. But as it turns out, no worse than some other misdirected federal agencies. In this incredible arrangement of accepted falsities and mish-mashed truths, where one walks down the isle of truth and takes what they like and leaves the rest. Like some smorgasbord, take heaping helpings of whatever fits into your intelligence cap, and walk away from what doesn’t suit the pallet or the fancy… how can one come up with anything other than that assessment. For no other agency federal or otherwise is responsible for uselessly sucking down so…

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Let it be said that in the end stages of the United States as it lay bleeding on the ground due to it’s budget woes, that a rich man appeared during America’s last election and bought the White House at a government auction. He then moved in with his Princess wife and pretended to be the president. It turned out that all he really wanted was the final smash-and-grab, and the opportunity to get even richer off the fact that no leadership exists. No leadership exists because democracy as it has been poured into our heads, isn’t real. It’s all just…

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The following is of a commentary nature and does not necessarily reflect the views of FER management Not many of you reading this will remember what it’s like to listen to a Smokey Robinson song while cruising down the Blvd with the top down on a Saturday night. And hopefully not many of you will remember what it was like for the bus driver to force you to choose between sitting at the back of the bus or jail either. And all too few of us will recall what it was like to go to bed at night and not…

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In a disappointing twist of fate, it’s starting to look more and more like flat earth conferences are not gaining momentum. At least not the way they should be at this stage in the flat-earth game. This year alone more than 5 conferences have been held in the spotlight. Of course, this doesn’t account for the meetups and gatherings that don’t quite make the spotlight. One might very well expect that these events have started to catch on and the numbers of people that attend them are shattering records, and one would be incorrect too if one thought that. Because…

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“フラットアースを友達に説明する時の必須ツールです。 季節がどのように変化し、太陽と月がどのように星座を巡るのかを表示します。 昼と夜、世界の様子を表示します。 注目ビデオは私たちの世界について学ぶ手助けになります。 ビックイベント用にカウントダウンタイマーをどうぞ。 Google PlayとAppleで入手可能です。” *iPhone リンク:* *Android リンク:* source

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The flat earth theory must be the most talked about and requested videos for me to make. The flat Earth population is increasing rapidly and have presented strong evidence supporting their theory, while the round earthers just seem to attack the credibility or sanity of the individual creating the video without really presenting any real evidence of their own. Most of them just regurgitate what they have already learned in school. The same school that still teaches us that Cristopher Columbus discovered America, among many other events in our history that we know now not to be true. Most of…

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NEWS FLASH FENN correspondent Dave Hunt is at the 2019 Truth Quest Conference right now as this story is in print. The exciting news is that we have the first reports from the Canadian Truth Quest 2019; It was a sold out show! This comes on the heels of reports of a decreased attendance at the QE2019 (Question Everything) sponsored by Joe Garcia and the weak attendance at last years FEIC (Flat Earth International Conference). So What Is An FE Conference Anyway? What’s an FE conference? It’s a special and unique blend of people and ideals all come together under…

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