Author: FENews

This video is mirrored from: Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil SUBSCRIBE: If you want a free high resolution Gleason’s Map, please follow the link below: If you want a pdf format of all six flight path on the Gleason’s, please click on the link below: Flights by order: Flights by order: China Ailines flight 006 Taipei to Los Angeles EL in San Francisco 1:34 Lufthansa LH543 Bogota to Frankfurt EL in Manchester 16:20 Korean Air Lines flight 902 Paris to Seoul EL in Korpiyarvik Lake 25:08 Air France flight F116 Paris to Shanghai EL in…

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Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app *NOW AVAILABLE* on Google Play and Apple. Download it today and start flat smacking! *iPhone link:* *Android link:* available on *Apple TV:* Just search the Apple TV app store for “FLAT EARTH” source

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[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.17.6″] It seems like every year NASA treats the world to a series of photographs that were supposedly taken on Mars. They reportedly have a rover on Mars called “Curiosity.” It has taken high-quality photos of what appears to be the Martian surface. You can see plenty of red sandy hills and mountains in these photos. Also, plenty of blackish colored rocks. It certainly looks like a barren wasteland with no signs of life. Just like Death Valley…How Curiosity Killed the TruthOkay, let’s assume for a moment that Curiosity is taking these Martian surface photos with its…

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Watch when a NASA rocket is positioned over its launching pad. It is always pointed straight up toward the sky in a vertical position. The rocket continues to remain vertical as it takes off from the ground,. Afterwards, something happens and the rocket changes position by tilting a little bit toward a different direction. The spectators on the ground assume the rocket will continue flying until it passes through the atmosphere and exosphere. However, some people have different theories about this.

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Few things in life are as unassailable as the ground under our feet. The Earth, NASA’s blue marble, has been shown by a mountain of scientific evidence to be round, held in place by gravity and orbiting the Sun. Or is it? This is 2018 and nothing is irrefutable. Some call it post-truth. Flat Earthers hold to a 14th Century understanding of our home world. Picture the Earth as a flat plate sitting in a snow globe and that encapsulates their beliefs; sort of. If you thought flat Earthism was gone, think again. The growing droves of believers in a…

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In July of 2018, the National Weather Service uploaded a photograph to their Twitter account. It showed a picture of a thunderstorm in Kansas. The sky cam is elevated off the ground at about 30 feet. According to the Earth Curve Calculator, the horizon should be about 6.7 miles away from the camera if it is at that height. The city of Larned 120 miles away is in the picture.

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