Browsing: flat earth media coverage

NASA claims that it’s Hasselblad Moon cam can be used in an environment that ranges from about 100 degrees C in the daytime (78 C). At night, the lunar surface gets very cold, as cold as minus 173 degrees C. Unexposed film freezes at 0 degrees C and melts at 37 degree’s C. (115 F)

One of the most famous basketball players in the world believes the earth is flat…or does he? In a recent NY Times interview, Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving spoke about flat earth theories. Irving was naturally evasive when confronted with the question “Do you believe the earth is flat?” High profile players with big endorsement portfolios have to be careful about what they say.

Several years ago, Daniel Clark was looking to direct a documentary when he read discussions on Reddit about an increasingly popular topic: whether the Earth was actually flat, and if we were living in a Truman Show-like simulation. Clark’s curiosity brought him to the Flat Earth International Conference.