NASA is one despicable character in the thick of things. But as it turns out, no worse than some other misdirected federal agencies. In this incredible arrangement of accepted falsities and mish-mashed truths, where one walks down the isle of truth and takes what they like and leaves the rest. Like some smorgasbord, take heaping helpings of whatever fits into your intelligence cap, and walk away from what doesn’t suit the pallet or the fancy… how can one come up with anything other than that assessment. For no other agency federal or otherwise is responsible for uselessly sucking down so much as NASA. Let us take a look-see at the depth of NASA’s deception in human terms. Forget about the international embarrassment that it causes us to know that the fake Moon landing was bought with American dollars, let’s consider the human cost.

NASA’s annual budget of $65.7 Billion can only be sharply estimated because no single government agency is responsible for overseeing NASA or anything that it is associated with or involved in.

Let us give you an example of what NASA and federal budget writers call an “escape hatch

We spend $1 Trillion each year on welfare and there’s been no reduction in poverty.” That’s crazy! Then, a sentence later, you’ll probably see a line like this: “It’s true. According to a recent report, we spend a trillion dollars on means-test programs each year, yet the official census numbers show no reduction in poverty.”

Let us apply that same logic to NASA, shall we?

“We spend $0.6 Trillion each year on NASA and there’s been no reduction in the mysteries of space” That’s crazy! Then, a sentence later lets include something like this: “It’s true. But according to recent reports we spend a Trillion dollars each year just on Starbucks coffee but people are still sleepy at work.”

Such play on words is most commonplace in an environment of free money and dollar bills floating about. And in that you have a clear albeit brief description of the way American politics works. It’s enough to make you feel real foolish when you stand and announce things like the fact that 90% of all Arabic-speaking “immigrants” end up living in government subsidized housing and pulling down an average of $1,700 per month in food stamps sort of pisses you off. And that it sort of angers you to no end that Appalachian American-born kids don’t even have access to clean drinking water.

But this lesson in American politics wouldn’t be complete with at least a mention of the country’s policy of evacuation immigration, now would it?

Money Rules My World

Perhaps it’s true that $.06 Trillion tax dollars is but a drop in the bucket, but one can’t help but think of all the good that money could be doing if it were directed towards feeding hungry and starving children throughout the nation. There is no doubt that point six Trillion could eradicate, or at the least take a huge chunk out of poverty.

NASA is the choice we made collectively. Choose to feed the poor or explore… so what business does the government have conducting space exploration anyway? The federal government should be concerned more with projects that benefit the population, not just a few fat cat corporations.

Read More: Money Rules My World But Not My Heart

Read More: Money Rules Tha’ World by Jr Writer

The Way It Was In America, And Is No More.

As It Lay Bleeding On The Ground



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