Author: FENews

According to the United Nations, global warming in 2018 reached the highest levels since scientific observations began. But any personal observations of what is happening on this flat Earth in recent weeks and months belies that notion. To find out what is really happening to the Earth one must turn to the internet. There you can watch thousands of videos depicting what is occurring all over the flat plane. Without mainstream media intervention the UN’s assessment of global warming gets a setback when we look at the dynamic Earth.

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Mostoles Balompie, a Spanish Soccer team, changed its name to Flat Earth FC in June of this year. This unprecedented move comes after a promotion to the Spanish fourth flight division. The team’s president, Javi Poves, said that the change was in fact to support the fringe theory. This really doesn’t explain why a Spanish soccer team renamed itself to Flat Earth Fight Club. It’s likely that the publicity angle is what this is all about. But that’s only half the story friends. The amazing prejudice against flat-earth people is what the soccer team hopes to showcase.

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If few people donate to a cause, then one must question it’s worth to the community immediately. Wouldn’t you say? Of course it goes without saying that if few people donated to that cause, perhaps it’s worth to the public as a whole needs to be questioned. This comes out of the recent complaints made by NASA that a privately funded space program might not be possible. Because no one would voluntarily pay for NASA.

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Many people believe that NASA and it’s projects involving “space” benefits mankind, and that’s why we should fund it. But if that’s the case, cheap or free housing would benefit mankind too. And for that matter, so would feeding the poor and educating people and grooming them for high-paying jobs. So you see, NASA’s chief argument for existing has been rendered totally moot! Wash Away The White Paint And What Have You Got? We are not belittling any of the so-called additions to our lives that NASA has supposedly handed us. Things like the artificial heart with valves designed from…

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Imagine spending $2.4 Billion sending a manned mission to Mars, and leaving the specimens behind. At least until NASA can figure out a better way to retrieve them anyway. That’s the immediate plan according to NASA. And who wouldn’t agree that the NASA Mars mission has absurd goals? The plan to obtain specimens from the Martian surface and leave them for when we have a vehicle is just that. And who in their right mind would approve such a harrowing and wasteful plan anyway? The answer… we approved it!

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