Author: FENews

Wes Stace and Flat Earth News Talk returns to the station roster after a short hiatus to get his job together. You can call Stace a flat-earth guru, and you’d be correct. Wesley knows just about all of the FE heavyweights and has interviewed them all pretty much at one time. Wesley is also quite the accomplished comedian and his voice impersonation of Harvey Firestein and Doctor Emit Brown are uncanny and seriously funny. Wesleys interview venue is Google Hangouts, so look for him to put you on his show too, just contact him… he’ll make you famous. Not really,…

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David Hunt has been a Flat Earth Believer since 2015 and has started a YT Channel Live For Truth to bring News Stories and Flat Earth Facts to those who are seeking Truth. Now He joins and to be a News Brief, News Anchor. He doesn’t shy away from New Challenges and he shows this by stepping into the role with virtually no experience. What better place to start a new role than here on FERlive.

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The first time I heard the earth was flat was at the end of 2014. Some Christian said that my bible says that earth is flat. I went to go examine scriptures and found out that there was a major problem with the Heliocentric model. I never noticed it before until someone mentioned it to me. I believed it by faith in God’s Word and was not surprised to find that every test that has been done has proven that Earth has no curvature rate. So, I had this stance before hearing that God’s Word is literal and true. I…

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NASA returns images sent from a probe a million space-miles that shows the Earth to be as round as a new golf ball. Then, strangely, Director of the National Planetarium and Space Museum Neil DeGrasse Tyson says that Earth is pear shaped. Someone should get together with this guy and tell him so he’ll quit making himself look stupid.

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[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] The Ferret’s newest face is David Hunt. Many of you have heard him on the Rabbit Hole show with Shelley Lewis on Wednesdays here on FERLive dot com. David comes to us as a sort of gift from God as an answer to a prayer because he is not only a host and a contributing journalist he is also a contributing member and supporter of FERLive and FEMG. David is what we call a self contained unit. We are not “sending” David to Calgary as much as David is GOING to Calgary and that, as they say,…

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Must Have Hit Pretty Close To Home For Them To React This Way Talk show host Mark Hollander receives a death threat for promoting the flatearth. “… the guy sounded like some crazy foreigner who was programmed and he warned me that if I didn’t quit the flatearth he would kill me” Says flatearth researcher and author of the book Flat Truth, Mark Hollander. FERLive’s Host of the show Hoodwinked; Into The Age Of Insanity also says that he was afraid and took the threat very seriously. A family man with three daughters, Mark’s immediate response was to contact FERLive…

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You’ve Got This One Shot! What Facts Do You Choose To Present? Haven’t you ever been engaged in a heated discussion about the validity of a flatearth only to have them tell you okay you’ve got three minutes convince me? Well we here at FNN we get that all of the time, don’t you? This prompted us to actually wonder, of all the incredible assemblages of scientifically conducted field tests and verbal dissertations by fascinating flatearth researchers, which is the most convincing and doesn’t take the rest of this article to define. It would no doubt have to begin with…

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The following is of a commentary nature and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of FERLive management And What’s That Got To Do With Flat Earth Anyway? Good question… and one that we here at FERLive dot com have been pondering greatly since last year. But it turns out that if you ponder these questions too long it could get you into trouble. Okay, long story short… FERLive is a relative newcomer in the scheme of things, so we came into this whole flat-earth thing like this; we hear about a story that tells Patricia Steere is a man posing as…

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Alternative News Network Creates Itself You can’t write the news, you can only relate it, the prime directive of any journalist is to avoid becoming part of the story. And in the case of reporting that would involve attempting to change the story through lies of omission and half-truths related in an honest way. Alternative news was spawned out of the need to end the tyranny of the international news barons that control all that we see and hear. The alternative news network was born on the streets when brave people with cameras and pens took it upon themselves to…

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