619-552-2000 info@FENewsNet.com

Alternative News Network Creates Itself

You can’t write the news, you can only relate it, the prime directive of any journalist is to avoid becoming part of the story. And in the case of reporting that would involve attempting to change the story through lies of omission and half-truths related in an honest way. Alternative news was spawned out of the need to end the tyranny of the international news barons that control all that we see and hear. The alternative news network was born on the streets when brave people with cameras and pens took it upon themselves to record events as they really happened, and thus, avoid those nasty little middlemen that stand between us and the reality of things.

Who reports the Alternative News?

Well… each time we witness or record something that happens live as it happens and post the video to YouTube or some other social outlet, are we not fulfilling that role ourselves? This is raw news here friends, we want to make it perfectly clear that unlike mainstream news, alternative news outlets, we don’t have cutting rooms where we whisk the raw footage from the streets back to in brightly painted vans. Nor do we have a board or a group of trustees or directors that digest the news and then determine what portions of it, if any, are going to be spat back out to the public. Alternative news doesn’t demand that a group of people appointed over you decide or reason for you. Instead, it demands that the end-user actually engage their own personal cognitive functionality in determining a validity or an absurdity of any news story. Who reports the alternative news? You and I do. And who disseminates the alternative news? Why, you and I do of course.

The Ferret, See How It Grows And Grows

FE News Net dot com is dedicated to the proliferation and the dissemination of events and stories as they happen, where they happen and when they happen and we have the technical abilities to do just that. For the past three months now The Ferret has been somewhat scarce, and our broadcasts have been mostly encores of previous live shows, many apologies for that. This is because we have undergone a certain self-transformation. No longer is The Ferret just a radio station, now it’s a radio station and a whole lot more! We have designed, built and implemented a total multimedia system capable of placing YOU the end-user inside all the action. And to do that we have integrated a call-in service that allows you to actually call in to your favorite live shows and speak to your favorite live hosts

We have built a new computer system based around an AMD A10 series 4 GHz computer chip and a total interface to our network that gives us the ability to offer to our hosts full integration that can be remotely accessed via any internet device. With the addition of a free software app and a password unique to the host, our hosts can now log on to the streaming server anywhere and with any device, even a cell phone, and do a show. And the most incredible and exciting part is that FERLive dot com The Ferret is now not only a radio station it is also a TV station that functions via Twitch.TV and YouTube and features full HD video. Hosts can now integrate a TV and radio show into one major source outlet. FE News Net Becomes FENN: alternative news network, a news source for the flat-earth collective… congrats are, I believe, in order.

Happy Birthday FENN!

We call this new radio/TV format FERLive 2.0, and it has been in the works and coming almost since the day we first started broadcasting our unique audio-only signal via Shoutcast. The first thing we said to ourselves was; Hey… this is no good, we can’t get on YouTube with just an audio signal! So we set out to change that, and in so doing FENN was born, our flat-earth news extension. Like the radio station, it too is fueled by FEMG and get’s its heart from FEMG journalists, publishers and writers the flat-earth over. So Happy Birthday to FENN, and long-live the republic of the truth, long live the Alternative Media!

FEMG Stands For Integration