Browsing: 2018 News

For the last 100 years, NASA and Hollywood filmmakers have sold the idea to the public that outer space is just a giant black endless void of empty space. We have all seen photos and videos of astronauts supposedly going up into outer space. However, we only see them orbiting close to the Earth. How come we never see them go farther out into the darkness of space?

In July of 2018, the National Weather Service uploaded a photograph to their Twitter account. It showed a picture of a thunderstorm in Kansas. The sky cam is elevated off the ground at about 30 feet. According to the Earth Curve Calculator, the horizon should be about 6.7 miles away from the camera if it is at that height. The city of Larned 120 miles away is in the picture.

Patricia Steere was interviewed recently about her beliefs by a reporter for the Houston Chronicle. Patricia is a Houston woman and fellow Flat Earth believer. She calls herself a “conspiracy realist” who believes that real conspiracies are taking place to cover up the truth about the Earth. Steere talks about her beliefs in recorded podcasts for her YouTube Channel, which she calls “The Flat Earth and Other Hot Potatoes.”

In 1969, the world was told that astronauts from Apollo 11 had landed on the moon. There was even a live video feed which supposedly showed the first men to ever step on the moon. People were glued to their television sets to see this historic moment. But in the years since, many skeptics have stated their doubts about the authenticity of the video and the moon landing itself.

Luminaries such as rapper B.o.B and NBA star Kyrie Irving have sprinkled doubt — whether in jest or not — that the Earth is as it appears in pictures. And now a YouGov survey of 8,215 American adults comes out that offers troubling results. The numbers appear to show that only 84 percent of Americans have always believed the Earth is round and had no doubts about it.