Author: Writer

Picture standing atop its launching platform, the Saturn V booster and Apollo combination bound for the Moon. It is 1969, and the Saturn V – Apollo packet stands about 300 feet tall. Trouble is, only about 10 feet or so of this skyscraper will return to Earth. And even then, none of the parts that actually made contact with the Lunar surface will return to Earth. That’s because somewhere out in space, the Apollo orbiter is floating aimlessly, abandoned by its crew as they set out for home.

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Mark Sargent’s new Australian TV commercial has got the whole flat-earth community in an uproar. “Fools” It starts out, “They are everywhere…” Now, granted it doesn’t look good on the outside… but according to Mark Sargent in a recent interview, the commercial strikes outreach gold!  Face it, Mark’s no fool, so anytime Mark Sargent appears in a TV commercial, there has got to be good reason. And processing a buck into his pockets is not it either, perish the thought.

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2.5 Million dollars, that’s the Annie-up for entering the space race. So says Rocket Man Mad Mike Hughes as he stands before his purple and blue painted hand-built genuine rocket. It sits there on it’s custom sled designed for easy wheeling around the shop floor and on and off trucks for transportation. This makes his sixth rocket and his third attempt at higher and higher heights and more and more speed. After a failed launch attempt on August 17th of 2019 we caught up to the Rocket Man to ask him a few questions about what’s next. And just to…

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The Apollo Lunar “LEM” (Lunar Excursion Module) had an on board computer that was supposedly able to land the module on it’s own. Trouble is, during ground testing in 1968 Armstrong was manually controlling the stable test bed vehicle and crashed it… nearly killing himself in the process. This doesn’t seem like the way to test a space vehicle. This is the story of the crazy contraption that nearly killed Neil Armstrong.

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“Oblate spheroid” – Of a circular dimension… with flattened areas around the poles. When Neil deGrasse Tyson said that Earth was an “Oblate spheroid” was he actually saying that parts of it are flat? Hey wait a second here… not so fast Neil! When you called the Earth’s shape an “oblate spheroid” you must have thought we were all just a bunch of  amateurs like you! Clearly, Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn’t know his shapes!

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Do you still use the first refrigerator that you ever had? Do you still use the same TV you bought back in the 90’s? Or drive on the same tires that you bought your car with? Of course not! That’s because the law of improbability stalks things like refrigerators, TV’s and tires. They wear out, they break down, and guess what, the law of improbability stalks NASA as well.

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The inaugural flat-earth conference was set to be staged on Mount Shasta in California, USA. The web site touts that it’s 3 full days of exclusive conference over the fall equinox with eleven profound speakers and presenters who will help them to expand their consciousness and understanding of life on Earth as they think they know it. Conference goers thought that they were going to explore other possibilities of existence and dimensions. But what they got was an E mail from event promoter Jonathan Shalomar saying that the first annual Truth Seekers Summit was cancelled!

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The Rocket Man delayed his launch set for August 17, 2019 due to technical issues with the rocket. This is an attempt to break his own world record set in 2018. The record, 1,875 feet and 300+ MPH gained him recognition and made many people that had laughed at him before sit up and shut up. However, not this time… as the attempt was cancelled abruptly by an oversight built into the rocket itself. This oversight is why Mad Mike Hughes rocket launch was delayed.

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On August 17th of this year Mad Mike Hughes, the world’s only TRUE astronaut, is setting up his home-made launching pad and attaching it to his rocket. He will once again attempt what Evil Knievel and others apparently could not do. To build, launch and pilot a home-made rocket into the sky. That’s right friends, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… Mad Mike Hughes flies again!

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Did you know that you can take out an ad on Facebook, or Instagram? And did you also know that you can specify that you don’t want FE people to read it? Recently a photographer decided he wanted to sell some old NASA images he had. So he took out an ad on Facebook, the resulting feedback from FE’ers was so fierce that Facebook removed it. So the man took out another ad where he specified that FE people should not be targeted. Yes friends, Facebook’s war against FE people rages on! And in new and imaginative ways too.

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